
Taxidermy for Language-Animals

Mit KI und ChatGpt ein hochaktuelles Buch zur Bedeutung und Wiedergabe von Sprache anhand von Literatur, Kust und Philosophie
Meldetext: nicht mehr erhältlich
Lieferzeit: nicht mehr erhältlich
Artikelnummer: 978-3-906213-10-1
CHF 33.00

A parrot can be trained to repeat the sounds we make when we speak. But what does a parrot say? Taxidermy for Language-Animals examines language fragments from different practices – philosophy, literature, visual art – by exploiting some of our linguistic habits and tools. This book includes examples of ordinary language trapped in images. Games we play with language and games language plays with us are introduced. Like language itself, language-games are based on perception, habit and memory and are played in collaboration with others.

A parrot can be trained to repeat the sounds we make when we speak. But what does a parrot say? Taxidermy for Language-Animals examines language fragments from different practices – philosophy, literature, visual art – by exploiting some of our linguistic habits and tools. This book includes examples of ordinary language trapped in images. Games we play with language and games language plays with us are introduced. Like language itself, language-games are based on perception, habit and memory and are played in collaboration with others.

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